I’d like to introduce myself. I’m one of your church family members. My name is Chris Fisher and I’m the new (since January) chair of the Stewardship and Finance Committee. I feel like the distant cousin you didn’t know you had, because there are so many of you I haven’t met. But today, I’m going to be like Aunt (you can fill in the name) who just blurts out whatever comes to mind at family dinners. So, here goes. GOD IS BIGGER THAN THE CORONAVIRUS!
We all know that but do we really KNOW that? Do we really BELIEVE that God will provide for all our needs (not necessarily wants) personally and as a church? Do we believe that all we have is His anyway and we’re entrusted to be in charge of a tiny piece of it? If we don’t, why not? What does God need to do to prove that He is faithful? Well, He knew you would ask! 😊
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
Years ago, I was bold enough to straight-up tell God to “prove it” when it came to my personal finances. And, guess what. He did! And God does it over and over and over without fail. God will ALWAYS honor our giving. It’s not MY promise but HIS!
Obviously, 2020 has gotten off to a rough and rocky start with far-reaching consequences. Your stewardship and finance committee as well as Church Council are working right now to put in place measures so that the work of the church can continue. But I would argue that this is an amazing opportunity for God’s promises to be revealed! Can you even imagine what He might do for our church and community if THIS family took Him up on His promise? Your continued giving during this time is critical and we know that God will surprise us and multiply our gifts for use in new and exciting ways.
And now, I’m going to be like your mother and remind you that you’re not in charge of everything. Trust God and listen to Him. Be faithful in all areas of your life and He will provide everything you and WE need!
In His love,
- A Heart for Giving - April 1, 2020