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Marc Ridenour

Marc and his wife Lori are Authors of Tetelestai Recovery: Finding Total Recovery in the Words of Christ, "It is Finished" in Paperback – May 24, 2019. See the Tetelestai Recovery Website for more information.

Around the House of the Lord

Do you know what is awesome?
Unexpected blessings! They can be found all through the Bible. In Deuteronomy 28:2, we read that unexpected blessings will be poured out on those who hear the voice of the Lord. Have you been listening?

Around the House of the Lord

While the building will be far from finished, it will be noticeably different and refreshed when we finally return to in-person worship and fellowship, either with or without the COVID virus precautions and safety measures.

Around the House of the Lord

If you have driven by our Historic downtown building, you may have noticed that the sidewalks are closed and fenced off with two large lifts sitting on the street.
There is also scaffolding set up on the bell tower platform.