Our Big Garden
One out of every SIX children in the U.S. is at risk of hunger. For African-American and Latino children, it's one in three.
Big Garden has donated a season total to date of 1,810 pounds of produce to Just Food in 2024!
That exceeds last year's total and tops our best season ever. Our goal is 2,000 lbs.

A Big Garden Project
The Big Garden is a United Methodist Ministry
Whose goal is to reduce hunger by increasing access to fresh, healthy produce and teaching people to grow, cook, & preserve their own!
The Big Garden has helped to establish
more than 170 community gardens in urban and rural communities throughout Nebraska, Kansas, and Southwest Iowa
Click the image to check out The Big Garden Website
Featuring lots of great information, facts, tips, training, recipes and much more!
First Church partnered with The Giving Grove to plant four Asian Pear trees at the West Campus adjacent to the Big Garden.
Watch our Giving Grove Grow

How Our Garden Grows
Space available for anyone in the Lawrence community that is interested in gardening!

First Church’s Big Garden Features
4’ x 8’ raised beds for families & individuals
Handicapped accessible raised bed garden
Large “on the ground” garden for the Just Food pantry
Good fellowship during our weekly gardening evenings!
An opportunity to feed our bodies and nourish our souls!

Join us for Group Garden Night every Wednesday at 5:30 pm
March 13 thru the last Wednesday in October 2024.

Our church garden provides much needed fresh produce to our community through weekly donations to Just Food. Love to garden or want to learn how? We welcome your help and fellowship!
Please contact Laura Irick l.irick@sbcglobal.net
or Dan Harden: dan.harden@bgcons.com

Preparing for 2021 Growing Season
Manure on the garden beds. It will simmer a while there, freeze and thaw a few times and then be tilled into the bed so we will have happy plants come next spring.

2020 Growing Season