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First Church is committed to caring for our congregation and community by promoting spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.  Our care ministries offer a variety of opportunities to give and receive the love of Christ.

How can we pray for you?

Share your prayer requests with us.

Please provide your contact information if you would like a member of the Pastoral Care Team to follow up with you.

Want to pray for others?
Join our First in Prayer Partners Team.

If you are interested in joining the team,

Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one
Christ-centered care. 

Whether you are struggling through a divorce, loss of a loved one, or another of life’s challenges, these highly trained companions will walk beside you providing confidential spiritual care.

To learn more about becoming or receiving a Stephen Minister
contact Laura Irick at

Caregiver Support Group

Support Group meets:
2nd Tuesdays, 10 -11 am
First United Methodist Church
946 Vermont St, 66044

For anyone providing care for a chronically ill family member.

Support Group is a great place to:

    • learn caregiving tips and strategies
    • discuss common caregiving concerns
    • get helpful info for your specific need
    • develop new friendships

For additional information, contact John Koonce
at 479.644.5733

We have a variety of equipment available for check out at our Downtown Campus. These items are available to all members of the Lawrence Community.

Items include wheelchairs, canes, shower chairs, bedside commodes, standard and rollator walkers, crutches, and small adaptive aids.

For an appointment or to make a donation contact:

Rick Koester

Save a life now!

Watch our Event Page
for Blood Drive dates
or contact Rick Koester:
for more information.

Flu Shots

Watch our Event Page
for Flu Shot Clinic dates
or contact Rick Koester:
for more information.

First Harvest
Community Garden

If you love to play in the dirt, join us on Wednesday evenings at the West Campus. Volunteers are needed to plant and maintain the gardens, as well as deliver our donations to the Just Food food bank. We also have plots available for personal growth.

Please contact Laura Irick
or Dan Harden:

Wesley Walkers

Join us year round on the West Campus trails at 9am Saturday mornings for friendship and fellowship. Then continue your conversation around a mug of coffee inside the Celebration Center. Occasional off-campus walks are scheduled, too. All ages and capabilities are welcome.
Contact Laura Irick at

Prayer Walk and Meditation Garden

All are welcome! A peaceful outdoor sanctuary at the West Campus. Offering opportunities for contemplation, quiet reflection, and prayer. Bask in the sights and sounds of nature as you walk the path and pause a moment to reflect upon the scriptures and prayers posted along the way. Benches are located along the path and at the Meditation Garden.

Wrapped in Love

We create tangible reminders that we are Wrapped in God's Love. Prayer shawls, baby caps and blankets, lovingly fashioned to share with our church family and the Lawrence community to offer comfort or celebrate life events. Knitted hats are mittens are also donated to children in the community during the winter.
Volunteers welcome and supply donations graciously accepted.
Contact Shari Raybern

Comfort Foods

When a First Church family experiences an event such as injury, surgery, death of a loved one, or the arrival of a baby, we offer meals. Hot or cold dishes, as well as casseroles to be enjoyed now or frozen for later. Knowing that a meal is on the way can be a relief for those in need.
Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver the meals.
Contact Maggie Fieger at

Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations

We want to send a card on your special day.
Email your birthday and/or anniversary date (year optional) along with your street address to Betty Parks at

Christmas Connection

Each December, festive gifts are delivered to our local First Church family members who are homebound, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of special care. Share in the joy of Christmas by assembling and delivering these gifts. Contact Rachel Lyle at

Operation Outreach

We honor those serving or have served in our Armed Forces. Please submit your and your loved ones' names to our list. Those on active duty receive notes of encouragement, and those serving overseas also receive care packages. Their names will be published on our Prayer Lists. On Veterans Day we recognize our retired and former service men and women with displays at both campuses. Contact Barb Gillaspie at