United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formulation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities.
United Women in Faith invite you!
- Get to know other women who have similar interests and values
- Join in efforts of mission out-reach to women and children in need
- Join your talents with others in meeting humanitarian needs
- Affirm your spiritual sense of purpose and commitment to God
Ways to become involved
- Join a circle that meets at a convenient time for you
- Become a “member at large” who can’t meet regularly but would like to be a contributor of time, talent, and finances at special times
- Attend our Connection Events—open to all women of the church.
First Church UWiF CIRCLES
These small groups meet monthly
Some take summer months off,
check schedule with leader,
all offer good fellowship, food and friendship.
Good Fellowship
Meets at the downtown church
Book reviews, speakers, projects
Contact: Lois Dutcher
Noon Luncheon
Meets at the downtown church
bag lunch together
UWiF projects and guest speakers
Contact: Dianne Throop
New Act
Meets at the West Campus
UWiF Program Book,
speakers, and projects
Contact: Dian Volkmer
Fifth Dimension
Dinner Out
Book studies or topics of special interest
Contact: Lori Madaus
Just Us
Meets in members’ homes
Book reviews, current events, or speakers
Contact: Candice Ranney and Julie Ward
response is the award-winning, official magazine of United Women in Faith. We explore spiritual growth and living our faith, and report on our local, national and international work.
The Reading Program
Encourages members to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It offers an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of our mission work. The purpose of the program is to:
Expand understanding of and participation in God’s mission.
Increase sensitivity to all human beings—their needs, interests and concerns.
Encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity today.
Grow in understanding of Scripture as it relates to Christian faith in contemporary life.
Enhance self-knowledge and act from that knowledge.
Strengthen involvement in local and global Christian mission.
For more information on the Reading Program at First Church,
contact Barb McQuitty, jtmcq1@sunflower.com
If you have questions, please contact UWiF Local President: Jan Harper at harperjan54@gmail.com.