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Volunteer Opportunities Serving the Community


The blizzard and subsequent sub-zero temperatures place our houseless siblings in danger of frostbite and worse.

In collaboration with The Lawrence Community Shelter, and the City/County, First United Methodist and two other churches, University Church of Christ and Jesus Community Church of the Nazarene have opened as Overflow Shelters.

What FUMC does:  The FUMC shelter is the designated Overflow Emergency Shelter. Up to 25 of our neighbors are provided a simple supper and breakfast, a cot, pillow, and blanket.  We open the doors and begin checking in at 8:00 pm and all must depart by 8:00 am the following morning, except on Jubilee Café days, Tuesday and Friday. 

First Church Volunteers needed for “Standby” shifts.

Shift Details and Sign up Here  


Free community breakfast open to anyone

Restaurant-style Service
Tuesdays & Fridays
7:00-8:00 am

First Church | Downtown Brady Hall
946 Vermont St, 66044.


Volunteers help with cooking,
plating, serving and clean-up.

Volunteer Hours  5:45-8:00 am.
No training necessary.
Please sign-up in advance.

Clothing Closet Hours
Tuesdays & Fridays

7:15-8:30 am
after breakfast

Distribution Volunteers

assist guests with selections
Hours: 7:00 - 8:30 AM
Tuesdays & Fridays

Seeking Donations

Donation Baskets are available
at both First Church Campuses.

Organizing Volunteers

sort and organize donated items
Hours: 10:00 AM
Mondays & Thursdays

Assisting guests with clothing needs.



Volunteers help load food into clients vehicles as they drive through the serve line.

Must be able to lift
5-20 lbs. repetitively.

2nd Saturday | Every Month 10:30am-12:30pm

First Church | West Campus
867 W Hwy 40, 66049

Outdoor mobile food pantry that provides nutritious, fresh food to people in need.


Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen

Free community lunch for those in need.

First Church Serves
3rd Sunday | Every Month
1:00 PM

First Christian Church
10th & Kentucky 66044

Learn about LINK donation requirements:


Volunteer needs: Food Donations

Volunteers needed to help
prepare & serve food to
approx 150-200 LINK guests.

Trinity Food Pantry Carts available in gathering areas.
Click image for more information.
Click image for more information.